15 January, 2011

The Things You Tame

Happy New Year! My goodness, I seem to be averaging one post a month - that just won't do! 
Although I didn't make any formal resolutions, one goal I have is to blog more often. So I thought I would start the year off with a post explaining the title of the blog...

I absolutely love the story of the Little Prince, it's one of my favorite books! There is one chapter in particular that always makes me cry. In this chapter the Little Prince meets a fox who asks the prince to tame him 
"...what does tamed mean?"
"It's something that's been too often neglected. It means, 'to create ties'..."
The dialogue goes on in beautiful prose to describe the meaning of relationships and love; the sweetness and the pain. The Little Prince tries to make excuses about why he can't tame the fox;
 "I'd like to," the little prince replied, "but I haven't much time. I have friends to find and so many things to learn."
"The only things you learn are the things you tame," said the fox. "People haven't time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But since there are no stores where you can buy friends, people no longer have friends..."
I believe strongly in being intentional with the people in our lives, sincerely working at creating ties, even when the possibility of hurt and loss can seem daunting. My hope in life is to overcome the excuses and truly love others. I also like the idea of putting in the time for learning. I feel like this blog could be one way for me to do that; to explore ideas, to discover a myriad of ties to people places and things, and to inspire and grow my creativity!

I just can't do justice to the words of Antoine de Saint Exupry, please discover this amazing treasure for yourselves, or re-read it if it's been a while, it is wonderful for all! I will leave you with one last thought
"Good-bye," said the fox. "Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
XO, Sar

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