24 July, 2010

27 weeks and counting...

Thought I would post the most recent belly shot. Three months to go! We'd better get moving on the nursery renovations, which I will post about at a later date. We're really excited and can't wait to meet our little duckling, who by the way is now about the size of an eggplant!

15 July, 2010

Welcome to blog-land

Well, I'm here, I've joined the blogging community. I'm still getting my feet wet, but am so excited at the possibilities! Expect the look and content of my page to change and grow as I learn how to navigate these waters, and hopefully the complexity, or at least frequency of my posts will increase as I get more comfortable!

We are in such an exciting time of our lives as we plan and prepare for our family to grow! I can't wait to share all the things we are learning about, doing and feeling as we head forward on this adventure of parenthood! So here's to what lies ahead - Cheers!

xo, sar