17 December, 2010

Two months old (and some change...)

So, it's been a while since my last post (oops!). Life with a new baby has been keeping me busy. It's funny as I read back at the last post, how I talked about getting organized or on a schedule, well, little did I know, right! There seems to be no such thing with an infant :0)

I feel as though taking care of the little man has actually become more challenging as time passes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it, but it's trying at times. I don't know if it's because he sleeps less during the day, or I have higher expectations of myself now because it's been a few months, or I'm just SO sleep deprived, but I find myself getting more discouraged and frustrated than I did even a month ago. Luckily I have the most amazing support systems - starting with Daddy Dan! Plus our family and friends are so helpful and encouraging, thank you to all!!!

I will say this too, it's a pretty hectic time of year. With birthdays, holiday celebrations, shopping, there's a lot to keep track of, and my brain capacity is thoroughly taxed! Thank the Lord for online shopping! I do feel so blessed to be able to celebrate all these wonderful events with people I love!

Benjamin is growing big and strong, and is smiling and interacting with us more each day;
the sweet rewards of parenthood. 
I wouldn't trade it for anything, we are so lucky.

My photography skills aren't great, but here are a few pics of B in his new holiday pajamas from his Grammy and his Mema!


  1. Oh gosh Sara, he's so beautiful. Be gentle and patient with yourself, parenting is a big transition. household things and daily do's can wait more often than not. X

  2. Oh goodness Sara! He is a doll! Looks so much like his mama! Too cute!

  3. that last picture is his Joey Tribiani "how you doing?" face.
    love you. hang in there!

  4. As mentioned, be gentle and loving with yourself. Treat yourself the same way you want B to be dealt with, all the love in the world. I love hearing updates and it's exciting to see him grow! Love to all 3 of you.
