03 January, 2012

Welcome 2012!

Happy New Year!

I don't know about anyone else, but I am so excited for this new year! I love the feel of a fresh start that it brings; a chance for reflection and dreaming all at once! Dan and I were talking about what we hope to see in 2012, and it got us looking back to last year. We are really excited to make some needed changes going forward, but we decided that we don't regret last year at all. It maybe wasn't the year we had hoped or expected, but we did the best with what we had, and tried to be present in each moment. That is something we want to carry into each year, a willingness to see the best part of each experience, to keep moving through "set-backs" and to be present with our happy little family. We have a motto that we adopted last year that we want to continue to expand on in 2012; 

We want to live an intentional, healthy, 
relationally focused, un-hurried life.

Here's to an awesome year!
