02 November, 2010

Coming out of the cocoon...

Happy November! 

The start of a new month has brought about the start of "real" life in the Wysuph household. Dan heads back to work today. This week we'll be easing back into dad working, but it marks the end of our newborn cocooning and the beginning of our new life as a family, figuring out our routines. Luckily Benajmin had a great night last night, sleeping for 3 or 4 hours at a stretch!

We are so in love, parenthood feels like the most natural thing in the world, it's amazing. It probably helps that Benjamin is such a good baby. We are truly over the moon.

To commemorate his 3 week birthday, I will leave you with these gorgeous shots of the mister that his Aunt Elana took this weekend, enjoy!