17 December, 2010

Two months old (and some change...)

So, it's been a while since my last post (oops!). Life with a new baby has been keeping me busy. It's funny as I read back at the last post, how I talked about getting organized or on a schedule, well, little did I know, right! There seems to be no such thing with an infant :0)

I feel as though taking care of the little man has actually become more challenging as time passes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it, but it's trying at times. I don't know if it's because he sleeps less during the day, or I have higher expectations of myself now because it's been a few months, or I'm just SO sleep deprived, but I find myself getting more discouraged and frustrated than I did even a month ago. Luckily I have the most amazing support systems - starting with Daddy Dan! Plus our family and friends are so helpful and encouraging, thank you to all!!!

I will say this too, it's a pretty hectic time of year. With birthdays, holiday celebrations, shopping, there's a lot to keep track of, and my brain capacity is thoroughly taxed! Thank the Lord for online shopping! I do feel so blessed to be able to celebrate all these wonderful events with people I love!

Benjamin is growing big and strong, and is smiling and interacting with us more each day;
the sweet rewards of parenthood. 
I wouldn't trade it for anything, we are so lucky.

My photography skills aren't great, but here are a few pics of B in his new holiday pajamas from his Grammy and his Mema!