28 September, 2010


For any of you that missed it, this Sunday was the Because of Love concert that Dan helped organize and played in! Boy, what a fun time we had. Thanks to all of you who came and supported not only the bands, but also our friends The Besks!

 Dan and the Dangle Root boys did an awesome job at their first performance - I was so proud!

Hurricane Roses seriously rocked it out, they are amazing, I can't wait for their CD to come out next month!

It was a really fun day, great memory of friends, family, dancing, and love!

24 September, 2010

36 weeks...that's right folks, 9 months!

We are officially less than 30 days from the due date (you'd better not be late Benjamin David, we're all much too excited to wait!) and everything is going well. Besides the natural discomfort one would expect to experience at this stage in the game, I am feeling good. We had an ultrasound on Wed, the midwife said he looks great, his head's down, and there is plenty of fluid still in the placenta (whatever that really means?!). I will be going in once a week from now until delivery - so crazy! Now there are just about a million things to do to get ready for his arrival, but I just can't wait!!!!

07 September, 2010

Going to the chapel....

I hope everyone had a wonderful labor day weekend! For us it was all about weddings...


Dan was in the wedding of our friend Morgan Peterson, who married the lovely Schell. They got married in San Luis Obispo, where they have been living, but after their honeymoon they are moving to Santa Cruz, we are so excited to have them!

While Dan was away tending to his groomsman duties, I got to attend the beautiful wedding of Brian and Kristin Jensen! They got married in Scotts Valley at the home of her father - it was such a fun, personalized wedding, I was so glad to be a part of it - I even danced! First time since I've been prego, it was a blast!

But that wasn't all - Saturday was also Dan and my six year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been six years! Although I missed him while we were at separate celebrations, I still was given a sweet reminder of how much our love has grown in six years, and HOW stinking blessed I feel being married to him, and knowing that God had this plan for our lives from the start. That even though we were young and had no real idea of what we were entering into when we partnered together some six years ago, that God would carry us through and bring us to the point we are now - the joy we feel about being together, and the blessing of growing our family!
Love you honey - can't wait for the next six and beyond!

And my last shout out is to my parents, who are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary today. Congratulations you two, I love you so much! (unfortunately I don't have a picture of their awesome hippy lakeside wedding...Dad, wanna hook it up?)

32 (err, 33.5?) weeks

So I meant to post a new belly shot at 32 weeks, but got a little sidetracked, here is the most recent. I definitely had a growth spurt!

02 September, 2010

A reason to giggle...

I think I am in a silly mood because this picture I just stumbled upon makes me very happy for some reason...it's just so darn cute :) Happy September!